Advisor's Responsibilities

To provide guidance, you:

  • Encourage Chapter Leader to fulfill their designated duties

  • Facilitate Chapter Leaders to inspire their fellow volunteers to:

    • Attend chapter meetings, GG Senior Home Visits, and GG National events

    • Write reflective journals

    • Earn the Intergenerational service award to gain eligibility for recommendation letters and LinkedIn endorsements

    • Apply for scholarships

Key responsibilities:

  • Support your Chapter Leaders and remaining in communication with us at GG National

  • Help students reserve a classroom for meetings and obtain permission to hang up fliers advertising upcoming GG meetings

  • Attend chapter meetings and chaperoning any of the GG Senior Home Visits*

*We at GG National understand that each school and senior home has their own rules around these types of responsibilities and default to those.


Elect New Leaders - Pass the Backpack!


Top Three Advisor Tips