Use the Chapter Creativity Fund

The Chapter Creativity Fund provides your chapter with up to $50 to plan special events for the seniors at your local nursing home on a monthly basis. 

It works in one of two ways:

  1. You can request the supplies that you want for your event, and GG National will ship them directly to a Chapter Leader. Please request materials at least a week in advance to ensure that you receive everything in time.

  2. You can buy your own supplies, and GG National will reimburse you - just be sure to hold onto your receipts. You will have to submit a scan of them on GG Chapters. You will also have to email a filled out copy of the reimbursement form and the scanned receipts to, as well as mail the completed form and original receipts to us at:

GlamourGals Foundation, Inc. 

P.O. Box 20488

New York, NY 10021

Post your upcoming special event and submit your Chapter Creativity Fund request to bring your fun ideas into the nursing home and make the seniors smile.


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