Communicate with a Senior Home

  • Find a senior home near your school with a quick Google search.

    • Jot down the contact information

    • Determine your chapter’s mode of transportation

    • Pick at least two dates and times that are most convenient for you chapter

      • Keep commute time in mind

  • Get ahold of the Activities Director at the senior home either over the phone, via email, or in-person

    • Tell them about the GG mission and what volunteers will be doing at the senior home

      • Emphasize that you are not trying to sell them anything and that you want to volunteer

      • Specify that you don’t do hair, use sharp tools, cut nails, or do pedicures 

    • Ask about safety rules and regulations (e.g. vaccination status, COVID tests, mask mandates)

  • Schedule your GG Senior Home Visit

    • Find out how many seniors they expect to attend

  • Be persistent. It may take a couple of tries contacting the senior home to set up the first GG Senior Home Visit.

  • Call to confirm the GG Senior Home Visit the day before

    • If unable to speak with the Activities Director, leave a voicemail and an email with the date and time, asking them to confirm.

  • Plan future GG Senior Home Visits by speaking to the Activities Director in person after your first event 

    • When using the Chapter Creativity Fund and planning a special event for seniors, always ask if there are any dietary restrictions or allergies (e.g., nuts and flowers)

Post your GG Senior Home visit as an event.

Having trouble scheduling your GG Senior Home Visit? GG National is here to save the day. Give us a call or text at 631.525.3339.


Chapter Leader - Meeting Preparation


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