Chapter Leader - Meeting Preparation

Chapter Leaders, let’s get to work! 💼

Organizing with your leaders beforehand sets your volunteers up for success, and, hey, who wouldn’t want to be successful? 

Having concrete goals and being on the same page is so important when co-leading your chapter. Before every chapter meeting, your leaders should get together to prep!

At the beginning of the service year:

  • Talk about the contributions of each leadership position

  • Review how to use GG chapters

  • Plan where and when chapter meetings will occur

  • Communicate with a senior home and schedule your first 2 GG Senior Home Visits

  • Bonus points if you pick a regular date and time to visit each month for the rest of the service year! 

Before every chapter meeting:

  • Customize the chapter meeting agenda

  • Double check the dates and time of your next GG Senior Home Visits 

  • Spread the word about upcoming chapter meetings by emailing or texting volunteers, hanging up fliers, and posting on social media


President's Responsibilities


Communicate with a Senior Home