Fundraiser Guidelines

While you can fundraise for your chapter’s registration fee, GG merch, and direct donations to GG National, never use the GlamourGals name to fundraise for anything else, such as supplies or events. 

GG National has your back – whenever you need supplies for manicures & makeovers submit a supply request and when you want to plan special events for seniors request the chapter creativity fund.

GG National advises you to:

  • Ask your principal or school administration for permission before organizing fundraising events on campus

  • Always touch base with GG National if you are using our logo in printed materials (since its trademarked)

  • Publicize your event on social media! Don’t forget to include #GGmovement and tag @GlamourGals! We’ll reshare your post. 

  • Post the fundraiser as an event and submit a service report, so everyone in the chapter gets those service hours!

  • Report your results

  • Treasurer, send a fundraising report to your fellow Chapter Leaders and your Advisor 🚨

  • Send us all of the donations you receive directly to GlamourGals by:

    • Paying online via credit card

    • Bank or Zelle transfer, 

    • Make checks payable to “GlamourGals Foundation, Inc.” 
      You can mail the check to:
      GlamourGals Foundation, Inc.
      P.O. Box 20488
      New York, NY 10021

Want to put the fun in fundraising?
Check out GG National’s fundraising ideas for some inspo.


Plan Special Events for Seniors


Fundraising Ideas