Recruit New Volunteers

To grow your chapter, help more seniors, and spread the #GGmovement:

  • Ask your school to publicize your next chapter meeting or GG Senior Home Visit during daily announcements. 

  • Represent GG at the club fair. Don’t forget to ask attendees for their names and emails.

  • Make fliers and hang them around school. 

  • Partner with other clubs and sport teams at school.

  • Create social media account(s) for your chapter (Instagram or TikTok – whatever works best for your chapter!)

  • Encourage all volunteers to re-share content on their personal accounts 

  • Inspire underclassmen to join the chapter, so the chapter continues after you graduate.

  • Plan a day where all volunteers rep their GG merch.

During recruiting events, talk about:

Check out some more recruitment tips
here along with tips from Nick and Tammy!


Intergenerational Service Award


Taking Pictures with Seniors