Tips for Volunteering with Seniors

An individual who is lonely is 64% more at risk for dementia than someone who is not lonely*

The majority of senior residents don’t receive visitors so as a GG volunteer, you are there to bring dignity and make the senior feel recognized. 

  • Please never give legal, financial, medical, or familial advice or accept any gifts or tips.

  • Always maintain a positive attitude, a smile 😁, and…

  • Be respectful by using appropriate language, being aware of your body language, and calling the seniors by their desired name and title

  • Be in the moment – silence your phone.

  • Ask for consent when taking pictures

  • Remain calm and speak to the Activities Director if issues arise

  • Let the senior know that you enjoyed spending time with them and that you look forward to the next visit

Volunteering is not always easy but having compassion and understanding can go a long way. We also offer tips for working with seniors with disabilities

Check out tips from a previous GlamourGals volunteer for communicating with seniors here and tips from founder, Rachel, on how to connect with seniors here!

Journal about your senior home experiences. We believe reflection is a key to real change in our lives - so go for it!  Share about your latest experience.

Holwerda et al., 2012)


Interacting with Seniors with Dementia and Alzheimer’s


Chapter Meeting Agenda